Many of the mazes are of celebrities or of some famous piece of artwork. Others are just plain famous pictures from the press or media.
This is a maze of monkeys jumping off roof tops. It took something like 20 hour to draw this one, and it probably can be solved in about 1-4 minutes. Totally worth it :)
Team of Monkeys
Team of Monkeys has a great variety of really cool printable mazes for you to complete. I really like the originality of these mazes. Exceptional stuff.
Team Of Monkeys
Real Simple maze of a monkeys face close up. This maze should take about 20 to 30 seconds to complete, about the same time it took for you to read these sentences :)
Have a look at our maze collection. Enjoy.
Maze_1 Maze_2 Maze_3 Maze_4 Maze_5 Maze_6 Maze 7 Maze 8
Maze of an Olympic Pool - Y.Frimer Mazes
Please contact the maze artist if you'd like to use any of these mazes in your publication or paper.